About Junín |
JUNÍN exists as a department, province and district.
The current department of Junín was created by the Liberator Simon Bolivar by order on September 13th to perpetuate 1825 Liberation Army's victory over the Spanish troops at the Battle of August 6th of 1824, in the Pampas de Junín.
The province of Junín, was created by Law No. 10031 of November 27th 1944, is located on the North West Department. Its boundaries are North is the Department of Pasco, East and South by the province of Tarma, in the West Province of Yauli and the department of Pasco.
The name of the Province is a remembrance and tribute to the Battle of Junín, which was held on August 6th 1824 in Pampas of Junín, in which the patriot army, by the action of the champions of victory of the Husares of Junín, whom defeated the Spanish Forces during the Campaign for National Independence.
The capital is the "Heroic Villa of Junín, a large city by Law No. 9834 of October 27th 1943 and by the Order of Law No. 20686 on August 6th 1974, he restored the title of “Heroic" the Capital of the Province of Junín.
Simon Bolivar, Liberator of the Republic of Colombia and Peru, manager of the power of Peru, etc. etc.
1. The Village of Kings has all the fury of the enemies of independence, holding it with heroic persistence, and at the expense of sacrifices that few in the history of revolutions.
2. Which has aided the United Liberation Army with a generosity without limits despite the misery that was submitted by the burning and looting that has killed several times with weapons in their hands MORE THAN TWO-THIRDS OF IT’S POPULATION.
Has been decreed and decree as follows:
Art.1º VILLAGE KINGS shall herein after be called "HEROIC VILLA OF JUNÍN.
Art.2º is excluded by the space of 20 years from all types of pensions to the state, as also being enlisted neighbors in the Army Corps.
Print, publish and to circulate.
By order of His Excellency SIMON BOLIVAR and JOSE SANCHEZ CARRION the 3rd of the Republic.
Sign in Villa of Tarma in October 30th of 1824.
See Decree Law |
It has 4 districts: Ondores, Carhuamayo, Ulcumayo and Junín. Topographically the country is more homogeneous than the rest of the department, although all the district capitals except Ulcumayo are over 4,000 meters above sea level. There is the majestic highlands and Lake Junín, famous for the historic events that occurred there, the lake is one of the original, and is where comes the Mantaro River and other tributary of the Amazon River, the Ulcumayo, but this belongs to the Ucayali River basin, the high location of the province forms part of the so-called Nudo de Pasco, junction point of three branches of the Mountains of Central Peru.
The main activity is livestock, although fairly stagnant in recent years, the craft also excels in special tissues. The climate is quite strong, cold and dry, with temperatures below 0 ° C at night and not during the day reaches 10 ° C. |