Certifications |
CONTRO UNION CERTIFICATIONS is a certification Netherlands, specialized in agricultural systems and certification is recognized worldwide.
CONTROL UNION CERTIFICATIONS merit the fulfillment of its rules and standards, has decided to grant Koken del Peru, product certification as organic and ecological Super Maca Koken with the number 800,719, authorizing the use of the stamps USDA ORGANIC, ORGANIC FARMING and JAS - Japanese Agricultural Standard, NOP, valid for marketing to markets in USA, CANADA, EUROPE, JAPAN AND ASIA.
What does organic certification:
Organic certification, also known as biosello, green or organic certification seal is a guarantee that Super Maca Koken, is free of prohibited inputs, pesticides, chemicals or other toxic substance for humans and can alter the ecological character of the product.
For KOKEN PERU AND APROMACA-E, have the organic seal is a big challenge because we have to meet strict standards established to annually renew the certificate without any problem, we undertook to closely monitor the compliance, systematize, document processes and provide ongoing training to producers.
For consumers nationally and internationally, obtained biosello means a guarantee of quality and the organic nature of the products.
The certificate covers the agricultural phase of industrial transformation and, Our products Super Maca Koken and processing plant are certified organic product and plant by Control Union Certifications, License Number 800,719. |